Fighting for honest, accurate, safe, and fully funded public education across North Carolina
H.E.A.L. Together NC is a working coalition to protect public school students and the schools they attend.
We are united in our belief that an honest, accurate, and fully funded public education is fundamental to building a just, multiracial democracy – a society in which everyone can thrive with power and purpose!
North Carolina public school parents, educators, and community supporters are tired of the constant, manufactured outrage. They began asking a common sense question, “When are we going to talk about what our students, teachers, and schools really need instead of all these phony, made-up issues?”
H.E.A.L. Together NC answers this question with a resounding, “right here, right now!”
United for a Better System
Anchored by Education Justice Alliance, Down Home North Carolina, and the Center for Racial Equity in Education, H.E.A.L. Together NC was established in 2022. Our goal for 2023 is to build a coalition of individuals and organizations who are willing to take action for our students and public schools. With your help, we can make sure ALL children in North Carolina get the high quality education they deserve.
Anchor Organizations
H.E.A.L. Together NC meets monthly to learn about current threats to North Carolina public schools, connect like minds from across the state, and build the skills necessary to grow county-level teams to win the schools we all deserve. Join us online usually on the fourth Thursday of each month from 7-8:30 PM as we continue that work! Public school parents, educators, students, and community supporters welcome!
Thursday, January 23
Thursday, February 27
Thursday, March 27
Thursday, April 24
Thursday, May 22
Want to get involved?
We are Public School Strong!
#PublicSchoolStrong is an initiative of HEAL Together NC. Our goal is to get parents, students, teachers, and community members involved at school board meetings in all 100 of North Carolina’s counties!
We know that our public schools are amazing, and they would be even better with more resources. Unfortunately, there are small groups of loud extremists distracting us from the real issues. Public School Strong is the best way for us to refocus attention on the thing that matters most: making sure all children in North Carolina have access to honest, accurate, safe, and fully funded public education.
Stand strong with public schools today!